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  • Status Miles

    The Miles earned on each flight operated by Tunisair at an accepted rate. The Status Miles are used only to determine the status level (Classic, Silver and Gold).These Miles can be purchased by the member, for a fixed price unit determined by Tunisair. The Company offers a second alternative to earn Status Miles enabling the member to move to a higher level and to gain, therefore, more rewards.The Status Miles are valid for one year (12 months).The account is reset to zero at each new level’s attribution.

  • Status

    Designates the level assigned to a member after a period of 12 months from the date of activation of his/her account or the acquisition of the number of Status Miles needed to access to upper level.

  • Silver Status

    Refers to the second status level assigned to the member under the conditions of the program to which Tunisair reserves the right to modify the parameters of promotion, demotion and redemption at any time.

  • Status Year

    Refers to the period of 12 months from the date of the status’ attribution, during which the member receives all the benefits granted by the Fidelys program.

  • Sharing Code or Code-share

    Refers to the transport by air performed by another carrier, as shown on the ticket that is say two or more companies share the seats on an aircraft and marketing them under each name.

Good reasons to join Fidelys
Earn and use miles with our partners
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